Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Shattered Kriel is now less shattered

Just a quick update tonight: I "sculpted" the bases, if you want to call it that, with some extra putty. Basically, I made hills and valleys so that when I add water effects it will pool in certain places. Once the putty cures, I have to add sand and paint, then water effect. I prepped all the models' pinning so they slot right into their new sculpted bases. I also primed the entire 15pt list.

Started painting the Impaler, and I'm worried that the color scheme won't look as good implemented as it did in my head. I think I purchased the wrong colors of brown for the plan - I have dark red browns and light yellow browns, but no middle ground so they just look odd next to each other. I'm hoping once I add the non-brown colors they'll even out. Else, I'll be swinging by the FLGS to pick up another shade or two. That, or rethink the whole scheme...

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