So, time to start this thing! For starters, here's the army list I've decided to go with:
Archdomina Makeda (*5pts)
* Cyclops Savage (5pts)
* Cyclops Shaman (5pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
The first step was to get the models together. I received all of these in a recent purchase from a friend of mine who decided he wasn't going to start playing this game after all, and -he- had gotten them from a previous person for the same reason. The first owner apparently enjoyed using an entire bottle of Zap-A-Gap per joint, however. These models were literally caked in glue! A few hours of chipping away at them with a combination of a pin vice, exacto knife, file, and eventually a straight up ice pick did the job! I had to rip the Gladiator's head off and pick out a bunch of glue before reapplying it, and did the same thing with one of Makeda's arms. I pinned a few things, and kept the banners off for now. I think I'll be attaching them with a combination of greenstuff and glue. At the top you can see the current state of Makeda and her retinue.
I'm excited about the way this list is going to play. I did a small amount of testing the other day with some of the beasts in the list and I really enjoyed the way they played. The Gladiator hits like a Mac Truck, and Rush is a fantastic animus. My Shaman is able to also cast that while sitting in the back, using his ghost shot ranged attack, increasing range of Muzzle for Makeda, and being a useful beast to transfer damage to. The Savage I have yet to use, but I think he'll work well in conjunction with the Gladiator. He's fast, also hits hard, and Rush will be a nice animus on him as well. I'm going to run him and the Gladiator up front, Makeda/Shaman/Paingivers as a nice second wave, just behind. The Paingivers will let me run my beasts a bit on the hot side, and if one beast dies they become a great harassing unit against my opponents by stripping fury off of enemy beasts to deny to their warlocks.
Overall, looking forward to more work on this later in the week! Tomorrow night I have no time to do any more on the project, so Wednesday will be the next increment and update. Remember, please vote below on the color scheme for my army! It's looking like I won't start the actual painting until Thursday now, so I may leave voting open until then.
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