Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Shattered Kriel - Initial shots and some greenstuff work

Quick update with some better pics. First, the 15pt army plus the Fennblades that I intend to add later. My 15pt list might actually change based on my painting speed - if I get Grim, Impaler, and Mauler done fast, I'll start on the min unit of Fennblades before the Pyre & Whelps - I'd rather have the Fennblades in there at 15pts, but am worried about meeting the deadline!

Dire Troll Mauler. I added the beginnings of vines to him, with a couple of leaves to make it more obvious. This is my first time working with greenstuff, so I know they aren't perfect. When this cures, I intend to add some smaller tendrils spreading out from the main stuff. Why vines, you ask? Swampy!

EDIT: Also, my awesome girlfriend helped me by assembling the Fennblades seen here. She's resisting the hobby, but played last weekend (Trolls vs Skorne, oddly enough) and enjoyed it. Now to trick convince her to buy into the game!


  1. It looks cooler in real life. Also, you failed to mention how your awesome girlfriend got high off krazy glue putting your models together. ;)

  2. How do you know you got high? Do you have something to compare it to? TELL THE TRUTH!!!!
